Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Do What Can't Be Done Today

The Holy Alphabet
A-lthough things are not perfect
B-ecause of trial or pain
C-ontinue in thanksgiving
D-o not begin to blame
E-ven when the times are hard
F-ierce winds are bound to blow
G-od is forever able
H-old on to what you know
I-magine life without His love
J-oy would cease to be
K-eep thanking Him for all the things
L-ove imparts to thee
M-ove out of "Camp Complaining"
N-o weapon that is known
O-n earth can yield the power
P-raise can do alone
Q-uit looking at the future
R-edeem the time at hand
S-tart every day with worship
T-o "thank" is a command
U-ntil we see Him coming
V-ictorious in the sky
W-e'll run the race with gratitude
X-alting God most high
Y-es, there'll be good times and yes some
will be bad, but...
Z-ion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

When you're tired and your energy is gone, when problems pile on top of problems, and you don't know where you will get the strength to keep going, that is when the race is almost won.
When you've encountered every obstacle that you could possibly have imagined, and then been faced with many more, you're rapidly approaching your goal.
That is when a little bit more persistence can make a big, big difference. The longer you persevere, the more likely is your success. Each challenge you meet serves to solidify your achievement.
The exhaustion you feel is priming you for the sweet taste of accomplishment which is to come. Keep going for as long as it takes. The steeper the climb, the closer you are to the summit. Persist, especially now.

Do what can't be done
Do they say it can't be done? Then find a way to do it. Anything that is considered impossible is an opportunity waiting to be harvested. Just imagine the incredible power of being able to say "I can" when everyone else is saying "I can't."
"I can't" usually means "I won't." Be the person who will, and a world of opportunity opens up to you. It is easy to say "no," to avoid the challenge and the effort. Success comes to those who say "yes," and then set about to make it happen.
Complaints and excuses will keep you imprisoned in a tedious world of mediocrity. Yet what is impossible for others, does not have to be for you. Welcome the challenges. Take the initiative. Feel the satisfaction of accomplishing that which has never before been attempted.
Look for things which can't or won't be done. Be the one who makes them happen, and reap their enormous value.

Be a Blessing....Have you Loved or Shown Love to Someone today....May your day be filled with Joy 

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